LOC Game
NFT collectible card game centered around the crypto industry and featuring characters who are prominent figures in the crypto industry. Players have the ability to collect, stake and trade any NFT as they please. Despite being in a very new market in Indonesia, The NFT gaming platform seeks to grow awareness faster and increase their user base in the country
6 months
Join 6,000+ Readers for Weekly Indonesian Crypto Insights
Campaign results
Indonesia telegram community members gained
Coverage from both crypto and mainstream media in Indonesia
Indonesian Youtube KOL engaged in reviewing and promoting the game
views achieved through Key Opinion Leader (KOL) video promotion
what we provide
- Thought leadership (Foundational article and review video)
- Actively engage with the community through Telegram and Discord channels to ensure better understanding of its updates and developments among Indonesian users.
- Plan and execute online events (AMAs) to generate interest, drive user engagement
- Engage with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) on YouTube for endorsements.
- Disseminate press releases to influential Indonesian cryptocurrency and mainstream major news outlets.